Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Damn son!

A recent comment from Crandall:

""Jason, I think you got nine here, that is very good. Just keep your core tight and get your shoulders up in your ears and you will be able to get to 15 BW OHS. It took me over a year of training to get there, but now it is easy. I have faith in you!! Be SAFE and ROCK OUT!!!""

Crandall finds 15 reps in the Overhead Squat easy.

When Crandall posts a video of himself doing this, he will begin co-hosting this show with me; It'll be like a he-said/she-said thing. I can see it now:

Jason: "Now, about core training... I prefer heavy deadlifts, supplemented with the occasional V Up."
Crandall: "Crandall likes to ROCK it! with sit ups. You know that Crandall speaks the truth Jason, even if your russian ears are full of wax."

Fucking rich.


Crandall, CPT, AFPA said...

Jason, good morning and beautiful day to you. hahahahah, thank you for this post, you are very funny one!!! I like what you have to say about V-ups. I am glad you are proud of me, that makes me blush like schoolgirl. I do not weigh very much, close to what you weigh, so it is much easier for me to get BW OHS than a heavier guy. I can do about 25 straight now, but not always, I used to be like you, and it was tough to get to double digits. Just remember the tips I gave you and you can get there buddy. Let me know if you want more help. ROCK OUT ONE TIME!!!

Jason Struck, CSCS RKC said...

show me the video.

Crandall, CPT, AFPA said...

Oh Jason, hello again, beautiful day for you so far? Crandall does not have video camera, and does not have need to post videos of himself. For you, posting videos of you working out might "bring the boys to the yard" as the children say, but not so for Crandall. But know me and know me well Jason, I trust that you had the correct weight on the bar in this video even though I don't know it for sure. So you should trust Crandall too. Crandall does not lie, and Crandall does not need to post videos and movies. You feel the need to post movies of yourself for some reason, which is fine Jason. Ok Jason, ROCK OUT SAFELY!!!

Jason Struck, CSCS RKC said...

that answers that.

Crandall, CPT, AFPA said...

Yes Jason, Crandall answered that and answered that quite well, with humility and authority. You can continue to post videos of yourself in order to "bring all the boys to the yard" and while you are busy with that, Crandall will be busy working out, getting better, and stronger. It makes you jealous that Crandall has done 25 BW OHS? As the children say Jason, "Please do not hate the player of the game, hate the game itself!" Crandall rocks out, and that is that. Yet I do so SAFELY, and get RESULTS! My core is tight and strong, and I keep my shoulders up in my ears, and my OHS ROCKS OUT!!!

Crandall, CPT, AFPA said...

And Jason, know me and know this well: If Crandall does get video camera, I will film this for you and on the video, I will show the weight and I will say, "This BW OHS is for you Jason" and then I will ROCK OUT!!! You will feel embarassed and ashamed for every doubting Crandall, but Crandall forgives all for I am filled with LOVE!!!

Unknown said...

I got a video camera you can borrow Crandall. Heck, if you ask nicely I'll even offer to videotape ya. 15 BW OHSs is something I'd love to see.

Crandall, CPT, AFPA said...

matt, is very good to be hearing from you. How have you been my bud? Thank you for your generous offer Matt, but where do you live? I do not know if we are close enough. Also, be bearing in mind please that Crandall works out without a shirt on, and that I am very hairy. I do not know if you would like to film me rocking out.
Oh, 15 BW OHS is very easy for Crandall now, but I have years of experience.
Ok, very busy day, clients to train.
Crandall out!

Unknown said...

I usually don't care for watching hairy shirtless dudes working out. But for an animal like you Crandall I'll make an exception.

15 or 25 BW OHSs. Your call. I got the video recorder. You provide the proof.