Monday, May 25, 2009

New 1000m PR

Working through some issues with technique, with one of my clients who used to row competitively, I was to pscyched up to not try and pull something fast.

My previous PR had been 3:47.

I did 3:41 today, and it was a little easier overall. I think my rowing is really starting to come along. I mean that time is pretty solid for an amateur light weight, especially one that rarely rows!
I think I tip the scale at about 155 right now.

Also, I am considering saving my time and posting A LOT less here. Sorry guys. I can still use this as a format to store info (videos and pics) and to answer specific questions from friends, but the unsolicited advice I receive from experts is hard for me to ignore, and that's not productive for me at all.

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